rainy season in tokyo

From June through July is the rainy season that called tsuyu (TSUYU) in Japan.

I enjoyed small trip that enjoyed the rainy season of Tokyo with my wife because I had taken the vacation by chance today.
I took the TODEN ARAKAWA LINE which is one and only one of the tram in Tokyo. Also it was a emotional trip.
I made slide show by RapidWeaver 3.5. Please enjoy it if it is interested in this.

the ear gasket

I'm using a "SONY NUDE EX" as an earphone for iPod. It's called "plug type" or "sound isolating earphones".
It's not so expensive model, but the sound is so good for me compared with other models which include more expensive.
The other day, I lost one of the ear gasket so I went to an electric shop near my home to buy the spare ear gasket.
Unfortunately the electric shop did not stock the genuine spare parts and there was only a product of the other companies.
Clerk told me "You can use it for your earphone, because size of gasket is completely same." So I bought it reluctantly.
The spare ear gaskets were fitted with my earphone without any trouble but the sound itself was completely different !
It was definitely poor sound which reduced bass sound and overemphasis high pitched sound.
I had used it in patience for days, but I found the genuine spare ear gaskets at another electric shop today. I bought it immediately, then I could get back original sound.
I was surprised that sound is completely different due to the ear gaskets !
The engineer who design the "SONY NUDE EX" has total sound design technic include ear gasket. Excellent !

BTW, the spare ear gaskets package included 3 pair that are 1 pair of large size, 1 pair of middle size and 1 pair of small size.
I can allow this combinations for complete package with earphones. But I can not allow this combinations for spare package because everyone use only one size. Why do not they sell it by one size by 3 sets ?

It's enough on one size even if it is a very excellent design. They made me the ear gaskets millionaire.

the time has come

blog icon-2006-06-61
As you know, the RapidWeaver 3.5 public beta 1 had been released on 2nd June. At the same time, the plugin SDK had been released too. OK! The time to start the development of RapidWeaver BBS plugin has come !
But before I start the development, I have to do something...
1) Upgrade of websites.
I have three websites which managed by RapidWeaver. Also each theme of websites are customized, so I have to upgrade my websites for new RapidWeaver 3.5. (I completed the upgrade of all my sites today)

2) X-fade function issue.
I realized that I have to modify the X-fade function in accordance with the new feature of RapidWeaver3.5 (permalink). Also RapidWeaver 3.5 PB1 has some problem with the custom JavaScript function - All custom JavaScript will be comment outed.

3) Study of the Cocoa programing is not completed.
When I saw the source code of Objective-C for the first time, I had strange feeling. However, I became to be able to read and write the source code of Objective-C without strange feeling recently. And I'm guru of C++ and MFC (the class library of Microsoft Visual C++) if I do say so myself, so I seem that the plug-in can be developed while studying the Cocoa.

4) Perl BBS engine is not completed.
My work always becomes busy when I want to do something. Moreover, I had to take measures for the comment-spam block function.
I don't know it's the best way of dealing with it but I seem that my comment-spam block function is passable for normal use. (But I receive comment-spam once in a long while. It's too difficult to block perfectly.)
However basic function of the BBS engine has been completed.
I will do the function addition by the further version improvement.

With this thing and that... I started to develop the RapidWeaver BBS plugin. I will report the intermediate step by this weblog. Only your comment (or trackback) gives me an incentive to greater effort.